Hip No. 2096
Consigned by Bridget Galyean
Trainer - Dustin Gay
Dual Rey
Dual Smart Rey
The Smart Look
Rollz Royce
High Brow Cat
Show Biz Kitty
Show Biz Sandy
Rollznstyle, chestnut stallion 2022
High Brow Cat
Metallic Cat
Chers Shadow
Docs Stylish Oak
Stylish Amanda
Amanda Light
Sire: ROLLZ ROYCE earned $348,383
Rollz Royce has 66 NCHA money earners of $992,182, averaging $15,033
Rollz Royce has 8 NRCHA money earners of $43,052, averaging $5,382
Dam: AMETALLICMANDA has earnings of $31,274
2nd Dam: STYLISH AMANDA has earnings of $109,648
She has 22 money earners of $685,598, averaging $31,164