Hip No. 1079
Consigned by Roman Rang


Trainer - Jake Freeze

Mr San Peppy
Peppy San Badger
Sugar Badger
Boon Bar
Royal Blue Boon
Royal Tincie
Royally Roan Pepto, red roan stallion 2022
Doc O'Lena
Smart Little Lena
Smart Peppy
Long Red Curls
Colonel Freckles
Curly Rode Her Ma
Miss Quixote Bar

Sire: PEPTOBOONSMAL earned $165,308
Peptoboonsmal has 775 NCHA money earners of $24,027,568, averaging $31,003
Peptoboonsmal has 106 NRCHA money earners of $2,727,869, averaging $25,735
Peptoboonsmal has 32 NRHA money earners of $278,909, averaging $8,716
  • LITTLE PEPTO GAL, $490,951 mare 1998 out of Freckles O Lena, by Doc O'Lena
  • COPASPEPTO, $417,440 gelding 2003 out of Miss Martini Play, by Freckles Playboy
  • ONCE IN A BLU BOON, $318,012 stallion 2008 out of Autumn Boon, by Dual Pep
  • PEPTOS STYLISH MISS, $296,598 mare 2004 out of Stylish And Foxie, by Docs Stylish Oak
  • PEPTO BOOM, $296,183 gelding 2005 out of Stylish Play Lena, by Docs Stylish Oak

  • Dam: LONG RED CURLS has earnings of $0
    She has 3 money earners of $14,670, averaging $4,890
  • BLACK N BLUU, $7,815 stallion 2020 by Once In A Blu Boon
  • CHROMED OUT CATT, $3,822 stallion 2010 by Sophisticated Catt
  • CURLY CATT, $3,033 stallion 2010 by Sophisticated Catt

  • 2nd Dam: CURLY RODE HER MA has earnings of $155,025
    She has 20 money earners of $161,056, averaging $8,053
  • CATS CURLY KITTY, $68,473 mare 2001 by High Brow Cat
  • LENA MIND YER MA, $29,651 mare 2000 by Smart Little Lena
  • RN CURLY HAIR BADGER, $10,769 gelding 2009 by Reys Dual Badger
  • KITS KURLY SUE, $8,914 mare 2004 by Kit Dual
  • RN CURLY TIME, $7,430 mare 2009 by One Time Pepto