Hip No. 2064
Consigned by Tate & Laura Bennett
Trainer - Tate Bennett
High Brow Cat
Metallic Cat
Chers Shadow
Stevie Rey Von
Dual Rey
Miss Ella Rey
Huggs Olena
Paradox Springsteen, sorrel stallion 2022
Dual Pep
Dual Rey
Nurse Rey
Smart Little Lena
Sire: STEVIE REY VON earned $418,953
Stevie Rey Von has 308 NCHA money earners of $9,714,659, averaging $31,541
Stevie Rey Von has 113 NRCHA money earners of $1,581,771, averaging $13,998
Dam: THIMBLEREY has earnings of $47,757
She has 13 money earners of $744,162, averaging $57,243
2nd Dam: HICKORYSLITTLELENA has no earningsTHIMBLEREY, $47,757 mare 2004 by Dual Rey REYVLON, $29,163 mare 2008 by Dual Rey STYLISHLITTLESISTER, $22,413 mare 2009 by Stylish Rey COOL KID ROCK, $6,340 gelding 1998 by SR Instant Choice COOL WITH COLOR, $331 gelding 2001 by Color Me Smart
She has 6 money earners of $106,287, averaging $17,714