Hip No. 2052
Consigned by Plus Heart Cowhorses (Rusty Gray, Agent)
Trainer - Rusty Gray
Dual Pep
Dual Rey
Nurse Rey
Dualin Boon
Bob Acre Doc
Boon San Acre
Boon San Sally
Johnny Dogs, chestnut stallion 2022
High Brow Hickory
High Brow Cat
Smart Little Kitty
Sarahs Super Cat
Dual Pep
Sarahs Super Dually
Bonita Quixote
Sire: DUALIN BOON earned $114,657
Dualin Boon has 29 NCHA money earners of $926,738, averaging $31,956
Dualin Boon has 7 NRCHA money earners of $15,683, averaging $2,240
Dualin Boon has 1 NRHA money earners of $973, averaging $973
CR GOTCHA COVERED, $302,756 stallion 2012 out of The Catattac, by High Brow CatTAMA BOON, $133,889 gelding 2006 out of Playboy Tamalena, by TamulenaDUALIN CAT LENA, $118,357 gelding 2011 out of Little Cat Lena, by High Brow CatBOONSHINE MAN, $51,975 gelding 2009 out of Sparkle N Play, by Freckles PlayboyTALL N THE SADDLE, $42,987 gelding 2007 out of Peppys Tule Lu, by Mr San Peppy
Dam: SARAHS SUPER CAT has earnings of $141,084
She has 12 money earners of $215,981, averaging $17,998
SUPER SARAHS BOON, $76,017 mare 2012 by Mr Boonsmal To YouPENNY SHINER, $36,016 mare 2020 by Woody Be TuffONE SUPER CAT, $31,957 gelding 2012 by One Time PeptoSARAHS BOON CAT, $18,775 gelding 2012 by Mr Boonsmal To YouSUPER X REY, $14,600 gelding 2013 by Dual Rey
2nd Dam: SARAHS SUPER DUALLY has earnings of $16,794
She has 12 money earners of $397,808, averaging $33,151
SARAHS SUPER CAT, $141,084 mare 2004 by High Brow CatCD SUPER DUALLY, $113,421 stallion 2000 by CD OlenaCATS SUPER SMART, $60,317 gelding 2008 by WR This Cats SmartCATTIN DUALLY, $34,033 gelding 2011 by Metallic CatSARAHS SUPER SMOOTH, $32,210 mare 2012 by Smooth As A Cat