Hip No. 2019
Consigned by Royce Stallcup
Trainer - Royce Stallcup
Dual Rey
Dual Smart Rey
The Smart Look
Rollz Royce
High Brow Cat
Show Biz Kitty
Show Biz Sandy
Cat House Queen, sorrel mare 2022
Jae Bar Fletch
Royal Fletch
Royal Blue Dually
Fletchs Duchess
Docs Stylish Oak
Stylish And Smart
A Lena
Sire: ROLLZ ROYCE earned $348,383
Rollz Royce has 66 NCHA money earners of $992,182, averaging $15,033
Rollz Royce has 8 NRCHA money earners of $43,052, averaging $5,382
Dam: FLETCHS DUCHESS has earnings of $1,960
She has 1 money earners of $39,873, averaging $39,873
2nd Dam: STYLISH AND SMART has earnings of $2,475
She has 1 money earners of $1,960, averaging $1,960